Assessment of Antidiabetic Potential of Polyherbal Formulations
Streptozotocin-diabetic rats, antihyperglycemic, formulation-1, formulation-2Abstract
Introduction: Diabetes provides a major challenge to the present population globally. It is a major threat to global public health that is rapidly reaching epidemic scale. Plant based drugs are gaining importance to treat majority of human aliments including diabetes mellitus due to their less toxic effects. Aims: The present study was designed to assess the antidiabetic potential of polyherbal formulations in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Methods: Diabetes was induced by single intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin (50 mg/kg) in male Wistar rats. Rats with fasting blood glucose levels ≥ 250 mg/dl after seven days of STZ administration were randomized into different groups and were treated with Formulation-1 (F1) and Formulation-2 (F2) in graded doses for 21 days. At the end of the study, blood glucose, lipid profiles were estimated. In addition, enzymatic and non-enzymatic liver antioxidant levels were also estimated. To elucidate the mode of action, we evaluated its effects on oral glucose tolerance test in normal rats and single-dose one day-study and multiple-dose twenty one day- study in diabetic rats. Results: The effect on the insulin level with the treatment by formulations suggests that the mode of action is a similar to that of Glibenclamide. Oral administration of F1 and F2 for 21 days significantly reduced blood glucose level in STZ induced diabetic rats. Both the formulations exhibited antihyperglycemic effect in glucose loaded rats and STZ induced rats. The blood glucose was significantly increased. Supplementation with F1 and F2 both with (250 and 500 mg/kg) showed reduction in the blood glucose levels and improved glucose tolerance, suggesting that there was an improvement in STZ-induced deleterious effects. Conclusion: This study reveals that F1 and F2 improved STZ-induced hyperglycemia, this effect may be mediated by interacting with multiple targets operating in diabetes mellitus.
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