Medical Management of Ectopic Pregnancy: A Prospective Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Ectopic pregnancy, Methotrexate Conservative treatmentAbstract
Background: Ectopic pregnancy is a deadly condition associated with comparatively high maternal mortality and morbidity. Extrauterine pregnancy is a complication of the first trimester of pregnancy that carries major morbidity and mortality.
Methods: This study was conducted in the department of gynecology at Govt Medical College, Saharanpur for the duration of 2 years. Every patient was explained the treatment options available, and a consent was taken. For this study 44 successive ultrasound proven cases of unruptured ectopic pregnancy were commissioned. These must not have any of the exclusion criteria listed below
Results: The conservative treatment offered failed in three patients thus giving a success rate of 93.18%.
Conclusion: Medical treatment with Methotrexate in properly selected cases is the treatment of choice but the patients should be properly monitored after its administration.
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