Lympho-nodo-venous Shunt for Filarial Lymphoedema
Filariasis, ElephantiasisAbstract
Background:Treatment for lymphoedema is a lifelong process. Conservative treatments often fail, and no surgical procedures offer complete cure. Several patients reported in miserable condition seeking help for heaviness of limb, discharge, disfigurement, lymphangitis, elephantiasis, and restricted mobility. Hence, we decided to undertake this prospective study of lymphonodovenous shunt (LNVS) for various stages of lymphoedema.
Methods: Thirty–one patients underwent LNVS in three years duration study. Six patients underwent debulking surgery a week later. Nine patients underwent bilateral procedure.
Results: More than 50% reduction in oedema occurred in 24/31 (77.41%) patients within first five days. Three of six patients with Grade IV lymphoedema who had undergone debulking surgery and skin grafting at follow–up showed hypertrophic scarring, ulceration and exophytic keratosis at split skin grafting (SSG) area.
Conclusion: LNVS is a procedure not free from complications like infection and hematoma. Yet the procedure was found to be safe, simple, and easy. It also helped to reduce the incidences of postoperative lymphangitis attacks. We recommend the procedure for Grade II–III lymphoedema and for Grade IV lymphoedema in combination with debulking surgery.
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