Screening of Thyroid Dysfunction and Dyslipidaemia in Patients of Diabetic Nephropathy in a Tertiary Care Centre in Western U.P
Hypertension (HTN), Chronic Renal failure (CRF), Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)Abstract
Background: Diabetes mellitus is often associated with multiple organ co-morbidities, including thyroid dysfunction. This has been associated with poorer prognosis, particularly in patients with end-stage renal disease. Hypothyroidism enhances the progression of atherogenesis. CRF is a serious health problem in worldwide. In developing nation, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality in chronic kidney disease (CRF) patients. Therefore, early determination and management of the risk factors for CVD in D.M patients play an important role to develop more effective screening and treatment strategies
Methods: .M, Thyroid status, Lipid profile, serum Urea, serum Creatinine, serum Uric acid, serum electrolyte, Catalase, and Superoxide dismutase (SOD) were assayed in 160 subjects in which 80 patients of D.M were having hypertension and 80 healthy controls.
Results: There was found significantly increased level (p<0.001) of TSH in D.M associated with hypertension patients. We also found deranged lipid profile and renal functions in D.M patients associated with hypertension as compared to controls.
Conclusions: In our present study, we arrived at conclusion that dyslipidemia and thyroid dysfunction is very common in D.M patients. Our study revealed that there was significant association between thyroid dysfunction, D.M and dyslipidemia.
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