Study of Evaluation of Maternal Mortality Ratio in a Known Area: An Institutional Based Study
Maternal Deaths, Maternal Mortality Ratio, IndiaAbstract
Background: India is responsible for the second-highest number of maternal deaths worldwide. India’s MMR has been steadily declining since the 1990s.The present study was conducted to evaluate the maternal mortality ratio in a known area.
Materials and Methods: A study was conducted to evaluate the maternal mortality ratio in a known area. Maternal deaths were analysed using a preformed data collection tool called Maternal Death review form. The maternal mortality ratio can be calculated by dividing recorded (or estimated) maternal deaths by total recorded (or estimated) live births in the same period and multiplying by 100,000. The recorded data was compiled, and data analysis was done using SPSS Version 20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA).
Results: In the present study a total 35 cases of maternal mortality were present. Maternal deaths according to age shows that maximum maternal deaths were in the age group 24-29yrs, followed by 36-40 yrs. 35 maternal deaths occurred amongst 9020 live births. Maternal mortality Ratio was 388.02.
Conclusion: The present study concluded that 35 cases of maternal mortality. Maximum maternal deaths were in the age group 24-29yrs. Maternal mortality Ratio was 388.02.
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