Bacteriological profile and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of Intensive care unit patients in a tertiary care institute: An observational study
Intensive care units, Bacteriological profile, Antibiotic Sensitivity patternAbstract
Background: Intensive care units (ICU) are considered as high-risk areas in a healthcare setting. Patients admitted in ICU are at a higher risk of developing nosocomial infections and thus at equally greater risk of developing infections caused by drug resistant pathogens. Frequent invasive interventions and empirical antibiotic therapy adds to the risk. The present study was, therefore, designed to describe the sensitivity pattern of microbial isolates from patients in ICUs of a tertiary care rural based teaching institute.
Material & Methods: An observational prospective study was conducted over a period of one year in a tertiary care teaching institute. Different types of clinical samples were collected from patients admitted in ICUs. All the samples were processed according to standard microbiological guidelines for isolation of microorganisms and their sensitivity pattern.
Results: A total of 1165 clinical samples were received in the Microbiology laboratory out of which 468 (40%) samples showed significant microbial growth. The maximum rate of isolation of pathogen was from pus sample (26%) followed by blood (24%) and respiratory specimens (24%). The most predominant isolates were gram negative organisms (75.6%), Escherichia coli (36 %) followed by Klebsiella (27%) and Acinetobacter (15%). Among gram-positive isolates CoNS (45%) was most predominant. Of all the gram-negative isolates 75(21%) were multidrug resistant organisms. Among the multidrug resistant organisms ESBL (77.3%) production was most common.
Conclusions: Regular and appropriate microbiological surveillance for identifying the prevalent pathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern is important to guide in effective management of patients.
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