Do we really need multiple terms for a single concept in the field of Environmental Pharmacovigilance?


  • Syed Ziaur Rahman National Secretary, Society of Pharmacovigilance India (SoPI), Department of Pharmacology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh 202002, India Author



Ecotoxicology, Ecopharmacology, Ecogeneology


Environmental pharmacology is an emerging specialty of pharmacology. It is defined as the effect of pharmaceuticals and house care products on the environment and ecosystem. It involves the study of gene-environment interaction, drug-environment interaction and toxin-environment interaction, for which specific terminologies have been used very appropriately i.e. ‘Ecogeneology’, ‘Ecopharmacology’ and ‘Ecotoxicology’, respectively.


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