Median Nerve Conduction Velocity and Body Mass Index in Mechanical Job Professionals
Obesity, Body Mass Index, Nerve Conduction VelocityAbstract
Background: Obesity is an epidemic in 21st century especially rising among young population of developing nations is measured in terms of BMI (Body Mass Index). It affects almost every system. In present study we aim to investigate any correlation between NCV & BMI among professionals of mechanized jobs involving repeated wrist movements.
Method: BMI and median nerve NCV is measured in dominant and non-dominant hand of young active professionals.
Results: One way ANOVA is applied and MNCV of median nerve in dominant hand and SNCV of dominant as well as non-dominant hand is found to be significantly decreased but MNCV of non-dominant shows no significant difference.
Conclusion: Early changes in nerve conduction due to increased carpal tunnel pressure are more pronounced in dominant hand and SNCV of median nerve could be used as an early screening and diagnostic tool for median neuropathy
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