Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Patients attending Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre and Hospital Moradabad
Urinary tract infections, Antibiotic susceptibilityAbstract
Background: It has been estimated that symptomatic urinary tract infections (UTI) occurs in around 7 million patients visiting to emergency units and 100,000 hospitalizations annually. It continues to be the most common cause of infection in hospitalized patients accounting approximately 40% of hospital acquired infections, and is the second most common cause of bacteraemia in hospitalized patients. Objective: a) To study the prevalence of UTI and its etiology in patients coming to the hospital. b) To study the susceptibility pattern of the isolate. Methods: The study was performed on 630 midstream urine positive samples taken from all age group patients, either male or female. Samples were collected prior administration of antibiotics in a sterile container. In case of cathetized patients, it is collected directly from catheter. Samples were inoculated on CLED agar. By colony count the stage of bacteraemia was assessed. To know the causative organism , colony morphology as well biochemical test were done. Results: The prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) was evaluated in 630 patients attending Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre, Moradabad for the duration of one year from February 2016 to January 2017. Results showed 215 (34.12%) patients were positive. Out of 215 positive cases 41(19.06%) were gram positive organisms and rest 174 (80.94%) were gram negative organisms. The most common pathogenic organisms were Escherichia coli accounting for 98(45.19%) urinary isolates. Among gram positive organism Enterococcus 26(12.09%) were the most common. In-vitro antibiotic susceptibility tests revealed that the gram negatives bacteria were sensitive to quinolones and Carbapenems, while the gram positive isolates were sensitive to glycopeptides antibiotics. Conclusions: The findings suggested the need for regular screening for the presence of symptomatic or asymptomatic bacteriuria for different populations and constant monitoring of susceptibility to commonly used anti-microbial agents.
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