Incidence of Surgical site infections in IPD Orthopedics patients undergoing implant surgery


  • Nitin Kimmatkar Associate Professor, Dept. of Orthopedics, Govt. Medical College, Nagpur - 440 003. Author
  • Jaya T. Hemnani Surgeon, ESIS Hospital, Nagpur - 440 009. Author



Surgical site infection, orthopaedic surgery, risk factors


Background: Prevalence of Surgical site infections (SSI) in orthopedic implant surgery is ranges from 1 to 22%. It leads to increase case cost, prolongs antibiotic use/abuse, increases morbidity and rehabilitation.

MethodsThis prospective study was conducted on 130 patients with closed fracture cases undergoing clean and elective orthopedic implant surgeries admitted in the department of Orthopedics at Govt. Medical College, Nagpur, India between october-2016 to march-2017. Results: The surgical site infection was diagnosed in 11 (4.435%) patients within 3 months after surgery. Staphylococcus aureus was most common infective organism isolated in 54.54% cases. On data analysis SSI was significantly associated with increasing age, diabetes mellitus, smoking and anemia. Conclusions: Incidence of SSI in implants surgeries are quite high, proper measure are needed to control it.


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