Osteological and Radiological Study of Femoral Bicondylar Angle among Nepalese Population
Anthropometry, osteometry, radiology, osteology, femoral bicondylar angle, sexual dimorphism, bipedalismAbstract
Introduction: The femoral bicondylar angle of femur is an angle between the axis of shaft of the femur and a line perpendicular to the infracondylar plane. The bicondylar angle was studied from earliest known bipedal human ancestors: australopithecines from about 4.2 million years ago. The bicondylar angle of the femur of australopithecines is often used as a marker of bipedality and is therefore an indicator of human lineage. Objectives: The main objective was to study the femoral bicondylar angle by osteological and radiological method as to show their relation between different measured parameters as well as the angle under respective method. Methods: A total sample of 200 (100 dried femurs-for osteological method and 100 radiological films-for radiological method) from Medical colleges of Nepal were included in this study. Femoral bicondylar angle was measured by using osteometric board, goniometer, vernier caliper and accessories. Collected data were analyzed statistically and presented in the form of tables and graph. The mean of femoral bicondylar angle was calculated and correlated with other parameters using the Pearson’s correlation. Result: The mean value of femoral bicondylar angle obtained were 9.31⁰±2.13 and 9.37⁰±2.25 for right and left femurs respectively by the osteological method. The mean value calculated from radiological method were 8.96⁰±2.24 for right and 9.40⁰±2.44 for left in males whereas in females 8.70⁰±2.48 for right and 9.31⁰±2.58 for left. Apart from the average value and standard deviation, the mean angle correlation with height and side, showed statistically insignificant (P>0.005). Conclusion: The finding of the study showed the femoral bicondylar angle was greater in left femur than right in osteological method whereas it was greater in both right and left femur of male when compared to female as per radiological method. Overall, the bicondylar angle was found to be greater in left femur than right. Thus, obtained observation of the bicondylar angle could be useful in forensic discipline to ascertain the age and sex of the dried femur in controversial situation.
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