Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology: A Reliable Tool for Diagnosis of Spectrum of Breast Lesions in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital


  • Amulya Singh Senior Resident, Department of Clinical Pathology, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital, Delhi Gate, Nehru Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi Author
  • Sunil Kumar Specialist, Department of Clinical Pathology, Lok Nayak Jai Prakash Narayan Hospital, Delhi Gate, Nehru Marg, Daryaganj, New Delhi Author



Breast, Benign, FNAC, Fibroadenoma, carcinoma, gynaecomastia


Introduction: Breast or mammary gland is under the influence of hormones resulting in physiological changes throughout reproductive life and thereafter various structures give rise to different lesions. FNAC can be used as an OPD procedure in diagnosis of breast lesions without the need to hospitalize the patient. AIM: To study the spectrum of breast lesions.

Methods: Breast Lump is the commonest presenting symptom in various types of Breast lesions ranging from inflammation to carcinoma.

Result : The most common lesion encountered in our study on FNAC was fibroadenoma (47.07%) followed by benign proliferative mammary lesion (Commonly fibrocystic disease) 29.47%. Tuberculous mastitis was 11%. Malignancy was 11.19%.

Conclusion: Benign breast lesions form the bulk in this study and fibroadenoma is the most common lesion. FNAC is useful and reliable in early diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions avoiding the need of biopsy. It has an important role in rural and semi-urban areas with fewer facilities and for the poor.


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