A Clinical Study on Labour Analgesia in Full Term Primigravida Patients
Epidural Analgesia, programmed labour, traditional labourAbstract
Background: Labour is defined as the progressive dilatation of cervix with co-ordinate uterine contractions that effect in and expulsion of the products of conception. Experience has shown that providing pain relief to the mother allays fear, anxiety and provides a more favourable environment for improved obstetric outcome.
Aims and Objectives: To compare the effects of programmed labour protocol with epidural analgesia and traditional method of labour.
Materials & Methods: This study is a prospective, randomized controlled study conducted in the department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre Moradabad. 90 pregnant women in active labour were enrolled in the study. They were allocated to three groups after randomization . Group-A- 30 pregnant women received epidural analgesia. Group-B - 30 pregnant women received programmed labour protocol. Group-C- 30 pregnant women with traditional labour management.
Results: There was excellent relief of pain in group A patient compared to other methods with shortening of duration of labour.
Conclusion: Labour analgesia is a simple, effective method for painless and safe delivery and thus can reduce the number of caesarean section
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