Assessment of Maternal Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Pregnancy Outcome: A Clinical Study
Biochemical, Hematological, PregnancyAbstract
Background: Medical conditions like eclampsia, hemorrhage- ante or post-partum have increased the occurrence of maternal deaths. Pre-eclampsia can cause potentially lethal events like abruption of placenta, DIC, hemorrhage, liver failure, kidney failure and cardiovascular failure. Therefore, the present study was aimed to estimate the effect of maternal Hematological and Biochemical Parameters in Pregnancy Outcome. Methods: The study consisted of all the pregnant females reporting to the hospital during a duration of 2 years. The females with systolic pressure above 140 mmHg and diastolic pressure above 90 mm Hg were regarded as hypertensive and included in the study. All the required hematological and biochemical markers like AST, ALT, hemoglobin, PCV, Uric acid, MCV and red blood cell, prothrombin time and platelet counts were evaluated. A follow up of all the subjects were maintained during the entire pregnancy duration and outcome was noted. All the data obtained was arranged in a tabulated form and analyzed using SPSS software. Student t test was used for analysis and probability value of less than 0.05 was considered as significant.
Results: The mean age of the subjects was 29.34+/-3.20 years. The mean hemoglobin level amongst subjects who died was 12.55 +/-1.67 and amongst the Live subjects was 13.44 +/-1.82. The mean ALT level amongst subjects who died was 163.76±342.7 and amongst the Live subjects was 45.47±55.23. There was a significant difference between them. The mean AST was 324.68±800.18 amongst dead mothers and 50.43±143.17 amongst live mothers.
Conclusion: From the above study it can be concluded that biochemical parameters act as valuable predictors of pregnancy outcome. AST, ALT and uric acid levels were significantly different amongst both the groups.
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