Assessment of Risk Factors for Acute Asthma Attack in Asthmatic Patients: A Hospital Based Study
Asthma, gender, smokeAbstract
Background: Asthma is categorized by the hyper activeness of the lower respiratory tract area. There is occurrence of specific signs and symptoms such as chest tightness, cough and wheeze. In major portion of the cases, the patient is symptomatic before the age of 5 years and the incidence of subjects becoming symptomatic after 40 years of age is only 25%. The chances of different respiratory conditions like asthma, COPD and rhinitis differs amongst different nations and also amongst areas of same country. The present study was conducted to determine the risk factors for acute asthma attack amongst asthmatic subjects.
Methods: The present hospital based prospective survey was conducted in the department of T. B & Chest, Government Medical College, Barmer, Rajasthan, India. The study variables that were included in the study were history of smoking, crowing at home, age, gender, presence of pets, Kachha house etc. All the information was recorded in a tabulated form and analyzed statistically using SPSS software. For statistical analysis, chi square test was used. Probability value of less than 0.05 was regarded as significant. Results: The study consisted equal percentage of females and males. From the table we can conclude that majority of the subjects were illiterate. Tertiary level educated subjects made the least count amongst the study population. Smoking was a risk factor amongst 56.7% of the cases and 22.2% of the controls. Congested locality was a risk factor amongst 72.2% of the cases and 27.8% of the controls Conclusion: The study draws to the conclusion that there are various precipitating factors for acute asthma attack. In our study there was a no gender predisposition. The major risk factor was smoke, either as smoking or kitchen smoke.
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