An Analytical Study on Prevalence of Knee joint abnormalities assessed by MRI- A Hospital Based Study


  • Lalit Bhandari Associate Professor, Department of Radio diagnosis, AIMS & RC, Rajsamand. Author
  • Rahul Mangal Assistant Professor, Department of Radio diagnosis, AIMS & RC, Rajsamand. Author



MRI, Knee pain, Menisci, Osteoarthritis


Background: In order to treat the patients suffering from knee joint ailments, diagnosis has plays an essential role for treatment and to avoid unnecessary surgery. MRI is a non-invasive procedure in evaluation of knee joint. So this study was planned find out the prevalence of abnormalities detected by MRI in patients of knee pain.

Methods: This prospective study was carried out on n= 62 patients of knee pain. Patients were examined after taking permission from institutional ethics committee by using Siemens Avanto MR Machine with a superconducting magnet and field strength of 1.5 tesla using dedicated knee coil (Flex), which were referred from department of Orthopaedics.

Results: In this present study 41 patients were males and 21 patients females and their ages ranging from (20-65) years. Knee pain was found common in age group 46-60 years age group. Joint effusion n=50 were more common followed by Edema n=40, Menisci lesions n=33 were more common as compared to ligament lesions n=7 in patients of knee pain. Osteoarthritis was found in 54.6 % of patients of knee pain.

ConclusionKnee pain can occur at any stage of life due to various causative factors. MRI can demonstrate the exact nature and extent of bony as well as soft tissue abnormality. This has increase the use of MRI in evaluation of patients of knee pain.


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