Maternal & Perinatal Outcome of Pregnancy with Severe Anaemia: A Hospital Based Study
Haemoglobin, Anemia, Maternal outcome,, antenatal casesAbstract
Background: Maternal anemia during pregnancy is reported to be associated with fetal complications such as intrauterine growth restriction, preterm birth, low birth weight, and maternal complications such as preeclampsia and eclampsia. The purpose of our study was to investigate perinatal complications associated with maternal anemia.
Methods: This case-control prospective study was conducted in the department of Gynecology in PMCH, Udaipur. Patients enrolled were divided in two groups. In Group A patients recruited who had severe anemia (Hb<7 gm/dl) & in group B who had normal haemoglobin level (Hb>11gm/dl).
Results: The result of this study revealed, preterm labour seen in 27 cases in group A, followed by, Preeclampsia in 15 cases, sepsis in 6 cases, CHF in 4 in cases. Conclusions: This study revealed that planned pregnancy is important in decreasing the frequency of maternal anemia. Diagnosis and treatment of maternal anemia is important to minimize the perinatal complications.
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