Topical Acetic and Gentamicin in Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media patients using otological symptoms score
Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media,, Gentamicin, Acetic AcidAbstract
Background: Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (CSOM) is a condition that is resistant to modern antitoxins, persists for longer than two weeks, and is capable of causing severe release, tympanic layer opening, and hearing. This could make them miserable and affect their success and personal fulfilment
Methods: This case-control prospective study was conducted on 150 patients. Patients diagnosed as CSOM (safe type) were randomly divided into two groups, group I - topical 1.5% Acetic acid and group II - topical 0.3% Gentamicin sulphate in a dose of three otic drops thrice daily. Follow up was done every week for two weeks and was compared on the basis of otological symptoms score.
Results: The mean difference of otological symptom score at day 7 and day 14 from baseline in Group I was 1.80±1.01 and 3.22±1.08; and in Group II 1.86±0.54 and 3.44±0.74; p<0.05. Among the study groups, reduction of otological symptom scores at day 7 (Group I =3.12±1, Group II=2.86±1.36; p=0.14) and at day 14 (Group I = 1.62±1.36, Group II= 1.60±1.54; p=0.56) respectively. Also, “Treatment success” seen in 92% patients in the Acetic acid group and 84% patients in Gentamicin sulphate group.
Conclusions: For the treatment of CSOM, topical acetic acid and gentamicin sulphate were found to be equally efficacious.
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