Role of Calcium Toxicity in Neurodegenerative Diseases
Neurodegenerative diseases, Calcium HomeostasisAbstract
Background: Neurodegenerative diseases are those affect the central nervous system (brain, spinal cord) and peripheral nervous system. It is characterized by progressive loss of neurons and synapses in these nervous systems. Calcium homeostasis receives key attention in the past few years in the field of neuronal physiology of Ageing and Neurodegenerative diseases.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate Calcium homeostasis in patients with Neurodegenerative diseases.
Methods: 50 subjects (36 males and 14females) with Neurodegenerative diseases. And same number of healthy age-matched subject control group was assessed. A complete & detailed neurological examination were performed in all individuals and clinically evaluated for the occurrence of Neurodegenerative diseases. Calcium levels were estimated using (Instrumentation Laboratory – IlyteTM) Automated Electrolyte Analyzer, with solution pack and reagents.
Results: ‘The Serum Calcium (Ca2+) levels were estimated and comparison was done in both control and case group separately, for evaluating the changes due to ageing and in particular to neurodegenerative diseases.
Conclusion: Neurodegenerative diseases showed significant differences in Calcium homeostasis.
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