A Prospective Study on Prevalence of Anemia in Children Under Five Years of Age in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in Mathura
Anemia, White blood cell countAbstract
Background: Anemia is characterized by reduction in number of red blood cells or their oxygen carrying capacity to meet physiologic needs. It varies by age, sex, altitude, smoking, and pregnancy status. India has the uppermost prevalence (39.86%) of anemia among the 16MM i.e. 16 major pharmaceutical markets such as United States of America, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, India, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, and South Korea.4 In India, a survey (2016) reported that the prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age was 51.40%; pre-school children was 57.30%, and among non-pregnant women was 51.50%.
Methods: The duration of study was over a period of one year.
Study Area:-This study was conducted in Department of pediatrics in K M Medical College & Hospital, Mathura.100 total numbers of cases were included in this study.
Results: The prevalence of anemia was moderate which were in 48 % cases followed by 24% mild,19% not anemic & 9% severe.
Conclusions: This study concludes that the main reason behind this high percentage of children with anemia in this age group is prolonged breast feeding, inadequate weaning practices. They are lacking iron and other micronutrient rich diet. It should be provided to the children.
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