A Prospective Study on Febrile Cases Presenting with Thrombocytopenia on the basis of Clinical and Laboratory Profile


  • Ashish Agarwal Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly Author
  • Saurabh Goel Assistant Professor, Department of General Medicine, Rohilkhand Medical College, Bareilly Author




Thrombocytopenia, Febrile cases, Headache


Background: Thrombocytopenia is caused by increased sequestration in spleen. Thrombocytopenia patients may experience bleeding manifestations like petechiae, epistaxis, gum bleeding, hematuria, gastrointestinal hemorrhage or intracranial bleeding.

Methods: 200 febrile cases were included in this study. This study was conducted in the Department of Medicine. The duration of this study was over a period of one and half year.

Results: In this study we were included 200 febrile cases with thrombocytopenia. We observed in this study, 48.5 % cases having Dengue infection, 25% cases having septicemia, 17.5% having malaria, 6.5% cases SLE & remaining had enteric fever.

Conclusions: This study concludes that Vitamin D deficiency is a key public health problem among geriatric age group.


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