Vitamin Rich Indian Fruit: Juglans Regia: Effect on Lipid Profile


  • Shah Murad Professor of Pharmacology, at IMDC and DANTH, Islamabad. Author
  • Seema Saif Gynecology Department, NMC Karachi Pakistan. Author
  • Dur Muhammad Shaikh Professor of Microbiology at JSMU Karachi Pakistan Author
  • Jamil Shah Murad Psychologist at Bahria University Karachi Pakistan Author
  • Abdul Qudoos Arain Assoc Professor of Pharmacology at HBSMDC, Islamabad Pakistan Author
  • Abdul Ghaffar CWO at DANTH and IMDC Pakistan Author
  • Sana Tufail Assistant Professor of Pharmacology Shekhzaid Medical College, Rahim yar Khan Author



Juglans Regia, Lipid Profile


Background: Hyperlipidemia is one of the important risk factor to develop coronary artery disease (CAD) leading to main cause of morbidity and mortality due to heart attack and cardiac arrhythmias. Decreased level of plasma HDL-cholesterol independently can cause CAD. Recent research studies have proved that walnuts can increase plasma HDL-cholesterol if taken in specific amount per day regularly.

Place and duration of study: Research study was conducted at Lahore General Hospital, Lahore from January 2014 to April 2014.

Methods: Their baseline values of HDL-cholesterol were measured at day-0 and day-60, by separating other lipoprotein fractions using chemical precipitation with Mg2+, then coupling the products of a cholesterol oxidase reaction. Results: In twenty hyperlipidaemic patients, two months of therapy with 30 grams of walnuts per day increase in HDL-cholesterol was 6.3 mg/dl which was a significant change when analyzed biostatistically, showing p-value <0.01. ConclusionsIt was concluded from the study, that regular intake of specific amount of walnuts without shell can increase good cholesterol (HDL-cholesterol) in male and female patients of age range from 18 to 65 years.


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