Metabolic Syndrome in Patients of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Hospital-Based Study
OCD, metabolic syndrome, fasting blood sugar (FBS), triglyceridesAbstract
Background: The prevalence of OCD is around 2-3% in general population. Some research has found it to be 10%. OCD patients are usually affected by other mental disorders also. In OCD patients, the occurrence of major depressive disorder is about 67%.
Methods: Total 328 OCD cases were enrolled on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. This study was conducted in Department of Psychiatry.
Results: In our study we were included total 328 cases of OCD. The sociodemographic study of the cases showed in this study. In this study, Males were 124 in number and females were 204. Married patients outnumber the unmarried with 56.1% married vs. Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in OCD cases was 32.9%.
Conclusions: Mean score for measuring the severity of OCD found to be more in MS patients and it was significant when compared it with patients in which metabolic syndrome was absent (p=0.001).
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