Assessment of Lumbar Facet Joint Nerve Blocks in Chronic Low Back Pain: A Tertiary Care Hospital Based Study


  • Sidharth Verma Assistant Professor & In-Charge of Pain Clinic, Department of Anaesthesiology, DY Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India. Author
  • Manvi Verma Senior Resident, Department of Gynaecology & Obstetrics, DY Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India Author
  • Sanjog R Mekewar Fellow in Pain Medicine, Department of Anaesthesiology, DY Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India Author
  • Jayeeta Verma Lecturer, Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, MGM Dental College and Hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai, India Author
  • Raghbirsingh P Gehdoo Professor & Head, Department of Anaesthesiology, DY Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India Author
  • Surekha Patil Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, DY Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India Author
  • Bhavika Verma Assistant Professor, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, DY Patil University School of Medicine, Navi Mumbai, India. Author



Lumbar Face Joint, Bupivacaine, Steroid


Background: Lumbar facet joint nerve blocks may be repeated to reinstate pain relief without any deleterious effects. The basis for intra-articular injections has been the inflammation of the joint. Therefore, the main purpose of the study was to evaluate lumber facet joint nerve blocks in managing chronic low back pain.

Methods: The total population was included in this study 120.All cases were divided in non-steroid and steroid group. This study was conducted in Department of Anesthesia. The duration of study was over a period of two year.

Results: The result of this study revealed that significant alteration in pain scores from baseline, at 3, 6, 12, 18, and 24 months in both groups, in which no differences occur among Groups I and II.

Conclusions: This report reveals lumbar facet joint pain diagnosed by controlled, comparative local anesthetic blocks may be treated with lumbar facet joint nerve blocks either with or without steroid.


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