Evaluation of Effects of Gender and Age on Forensic Personal Identification from Frontal Sinus Using CT Scan


  • Tanushri 1Associate Prof. Dept of Dentistry, Varun Arjun Medical College & Rohilkhand Hospital, Banthara, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pardesh, India. Author
  • Sagun Shukla 2Assistant Prof., Dept of Anatomy, Varun Arjun Medical College & Rohilkhand Hospital, Banthara, Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pardesh, India. Author




Frontal Sinus, Forensic, CT Scan


Background: Sex identification is a crucial step in the identification process of unknown human remains. Frontal sinus radiography has been used for identification of remains and determination of gender. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of gender and age on forensic personal identification from frontal sinus using CT scan.

Materials and methods: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of gender and age on forensic personal identification from frontal sinus using CT scan. The study group consisted of 250 subjects in the age range of 20 years and above who were randomly chosen. The CT scans of the axial and coronal planes by a 16-detector multislice CT device were taken. All evaluations and measurements were performed with a Digital Imaging Communication in Medicine (DICOM) viewer program. In total, 8 measurements were used in this study.  The width and height of both sinuses were measured on a coronal plane, and the anteroposterior length was measured on an axial plane. Volumes were calculated using the HBYS & PACS program. The Statistical Package of the Social Science version 21 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for all statistical computations. Statistical significance was considered as p<0.05.

Results: In the present study, the average width of right frontal sinus in male was 2.32cm and in female were 2.21cm. The average width of left frontal sinus in male was 2.96cm and in female was 2.76 cm. The average length of right frontal sinus in male was 1.21cm and in female were 1.27cm. The average length of left frontal sinus in male was 1.56 cm and in female was 1.34cm. The average area of right frontal sinus in male was 3.78cm2 and in female were 3.34cm2. The average area of left frontal sinus in male was 4.78cm2 and in female was 3.87cm2. The average area of frontal sinus in age group 20-30 years in males was 7.31cm2 and in females was 5.09 cm2. The average area of frontal sinus in age group 31-40 years in males was 8.34cm2 and in females was 7.87 cm2. The average area of frontal sinus in age group 41-50 years in males was 11.45cm2 and in females was 7.89 cm2. The average area of frontal sinus in age group above 50 years in males was 6.89 cm2 and in females was  8.07cm2.

Conclusion: The present study concluded that the average width of right and left frontal sinus in male was more than female. The average length of right frontal sinus in female was more than males. The average length of left frontal sinus in male was more than females. The average area of right and left frontal sinus in male was more than females. The average area of frontal sinus in the age groups 20-30 years, 31-40 years and 41-50 years was more in males and in age group above 50 years it was more in females.


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