Outcomes of Type-I Tympanoplasty with and without Cortical Mastoidectomy in Chronic Otitis Media- Inactive Mucosal Diseases
Type-I tympanoplasty, Type-I tympanoplasty with Cortical mastoidectomy, Chronic otitis media-inactive mucosal disease.Abstract
Aims: To evaluate the outcomes of type-I tympanoplasty with and without cortical mastoidectomy in patients of inactive mucosal chronic otitis media with sclerosed mastoids.
Methods: The study was prospective in nature and comprised of 64 patients suffering from chronic otitis media inactive mucosal disease with sclerosed mastoids. The patients were divided into two groups (Group-I & Group-II) based on the patency of the eustachian tube. Further subgroups (Group-IA & Group-IB and Group-IIA & Group-IIB) were made into each group on the basis of intervention being done. Type-I tympanoplasty was done in Group-IA & group-IIA whereas cortical mastoidectomy along with type-I tympanoplasty was performed in Group-IB & Group-IIB. Evaluation was done in terms of uptake of the graft and post-operative mean audiological gain. The results of different interventions done was compared within each group.
Results: The difference in the successful graft uptake and mean audiological gain in the group of the patients with patent eustachian tube (Group-IA & Group-IB) was not statically significant. There was statically significant difference in the graft uptake and mean audiological gain in the patients undergoing type-I tympanoplasty alone and cortical mastoidectomy with type-I tympanoplasty with blocked eustachian tube group (Group-IIA & Group-IIB).
Conclusion: On combining the cortical mastoidectomy with type-I tympanoplasty there was no statistically significant difference in the outcome of the patients with patent eustachian tube. Whereas in the group of the patients with blocked eustachian tube the outcome improved significantly on combining the cortical mastoidectomy with type-I tympanoplasty.
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