Incidence and Prevalence of Osteogenic and Non Osteogenic Bone Tumors in Western Uttar Pradesh


  • Sadaf Mirza Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadia, Barabanki UP Author
  • Priyanka Singh Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadia, Barabanki UP Author
  • Mohammad Kashif Associate Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadia, Barabanki UP Author
  • Arshad Ikram Professor, Department of Pathology, Mayo Institute of Medical Sciences, Gadia, Barabanki UP Author



Bone tumors, Immunohistochemistry, Osteonectin, Osteosarcoma


Introduction: Primary bone tumors are uncommon lesions constituting less than 1% of all cancers. In these primary bone tumours benign bone tumours are common than malignant tumours. This study was conducted to determine the spectrum and demographic characteristics of bone tumors and tumor like lesions at a tertiary care centre in western Uttar Pradesh.

Material and method- This is a five year, retrospective as well as a prospective study done on a total of 200 cases of benign and malignant bone lesions. After a detailed clinical history and local examination, paraffin sections of resected specimen were studied by Hematoxylin and eosin, immune-histochemical stain and osteonectin.

Result- Benign and malignant tumour accounted for 70% and 30% of the total cases. Most common tumour in this study was giant cell tumour (22.5%) cases followed by osteosarcoma (18%), fibrous dysplasia (9%), aneurysmal bone cyst (7.5%), Osteochondroma (7%), callus formation (7%), osteoid osteoma (5%), chondrosarcoma (4.5%) and Enchondroma (4%).  Incidence of bone tumour was more in female population. 

Conclusion- Giant cell tumours are most common benign bone tumour and osteosarcoma is most common malignant bone tumour.


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