Anosmia and Ageusia in COVID-19: Updating its Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment


  • Enrique Arturo Lombana Salas General Medical, University of Sucre, Sincelejo – Sucre- Colombia Author
  • Moisés Andrés Lombana Salas Author
  • María Camila Miranda Jiménez Author
  • Michelle Bedoya Coronel Author
  • Michelle Bedoya Coronel Author
  • Wendy Yulieth Herazo Madera Author
  • Andrés Felipe Ducuara Hernández Author



anosmia, ageusia, COVID19, sensory dysfunction


Infection caused by the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 produces different clinical manifestations, including anosmia and ageusia, which can occasionally be persistent after the disappearance of other symptoms, which is the reason for the current review, with the aim of presenting the pathophysiology, diagnosis and management of these alterations in an updated manner. Through a search in scientific databases and worldwide recognized organisms in Health, evidence published since 2019 was compiled, where answers were found to new physiopathological bases that explain such disorders, such as the cofactor Neurolipin 1; and effective subjective methods for the diagnosis, as well as objective tests generally used by specialists, finally in terms of treatment there are described varieties ranging from olfactory training to the use of corticoids. In conclusion, the aspects studied related to the manifestations of COVID19 are constantly providing pathophysiological answers and therapeutic alternatives.


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