Comparison of Immunogenic Effect of Three Oil Adjuvant Vaccines against Haemorrhagic Septicaemia in Cattle and Buffalo
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia, IHA, cattle, buffalo, montanide, ISA 206, ISA-50, liquid paraffin, lanolin.GMTAbstract
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia is one of the most common, fatal and acute bacterial diseases of livestock which causes mortality above 70% and is caused by Pasteurella multocida. The only satisfactory and practical method of control and prevention is timely vaccination of all the healthy and in contact animals. Different types of vaccines are being used for the immunity against this disease. In this project three oil based vaccines were produced. Two single emulsion vaccines were prepared by utilizing Montanide ISA-50 and liquid paraffin with lanolin where as one double emulsion with the help of Montanide ISA-206 was prepared. In house quality control testing and safety testing was performed on swiss albino mice. For immune titre IHA was performed by collecting serum from each and every animal including control animals. The comparison of IHA was done via statistical analysis by using GMT, Single emulsion vaccine prepared from liquid paraffin with lanolin gave maximum immune titre out of all the three vaccines in large animals and in young calves ISA 206 gave a significant titre.
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