Laparoscopic Versus Open Appendicectomy - A Prospective Study in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital, Saharsa


  • Ram Nagina Sinha Associate Professor, Department of General Surgery, Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College & Hospital, Saharsa, Bihar. Author



Appendicectomy, comparative, laparoscopy


Background: This underdeveloped residuum of the caecum has no known function and is commonly termed as a 'vestigial' organ, yet diseases of the appendix loom large in surgical practice; and appendicitis continues to be the most common acute abdominal condition that requires immediate surgical treatment. Methods: Study to be carried out over a period of 1 year on patient diagnosed with appendicitis and admitted to surgery ward at Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College and Research Centre. Patients were enrolled on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria and written inform consent was taken from the patients before the commencement of study. Demographic data, clinical features, investigations, Technique, reintroduction of diet, postoperative pain, use of analgesia, hospital stay were documented and outcome recorded in a predesigned case record form. Results: Proved that laparoscopic procedures cause less post-operative pain than their conventional counterparts. Analgesic requirement for post-operative analgesia was significantly less in LA (mean 4 inj. doses) compared to the OA (mean 5.9 inj. doses) Hospital stay was less for LA (2.23 days) than OA (3.4 days) Full recovery on the basis of return to normal activity was earlier in LA (6.53 days) as compared to OA (8.7 days). Conclusion: LA holds a promising prospect and may replace OA in the near future as the method of choice for effective and qualitative clinical management of appendicitis in emergency and in elective set up.


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