Tobacco Smoking Among Teachers and Students of Secondary Educational Institutions and its Preventive Measures in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Smoking, Tobacco, Nasvay, Woman, fertile age, youthAbstract
Aims & Objective: The objective of present work is the study of tobacco prevalence among teachers and students of educational institutions of Tashkent city. Methods: The data for study were the results of public opinion poll among the employees (teachers, administrators) of Tashkent city comprehensive schools, lyceums and colleges, as well as students of 7-th, 8-th, and 9-th grades. There were questioned 30 people in each of 25 educational institutions, thus 750 respondents were questioned in total (men – 26.3% and women – 73.7%). Results: Among the questioned teachers ever smoked cigarettes – the women make up 12,4±1,8, and men – 47,3±3,9; among administrators – women make up 10,8±1,3, and men – 55±3,8. Female teachers (5,6±1,0) and male teachers (11,5±2,5) consume other types of tobacco products. Conclusion: There should be implemented programs on health promotion; smoking, drug and alcohol dependence prevention among the youth.
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