A Rare Case of Sinonasal Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, nasal cavity, Immuno histochemistryAbstract
Adenoid cystic carcinoma is primarily a tumour of salivary gland, even though it is not frequent. Moreover, it can rarely occur in other body parts, such as nose, paranasal sinuses, lungs, uterine cervix, and many others. It affects nasal cavity in about 1-2% cases with frequency twice in females than males. It may present as epistaxis, nasal obstruction, discharge, headache, facial swelling and cheek pain. Immunohistochemistry such as C-KIT (CD117) plays an important role in confirmatory diagnosis. Here we are presenting a case of 55 year old female patient who presented to ENT OPD with chief complaints of bilateral nasal obstruction since past one year with on and off episodes of epistaxis along with mild headache. Patient was evaluated and the biopsy was sent for histopathology. H and E stained sections showed fibro-collagenous tissue having foci of round blue tumour cells arranged in tubules with luminal secretions and small sheets. Further, Immuno histochemistry was performed with various markers. CD-117 came positive which confirmed our diagnosis. Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma is a rare malignancy of nasal cavity which can present as various histo-morphological types and needs IHC for confirmatory diagnosis.
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