Dentigerous Cyst – Its’ Prevalence and Presentation in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital
Dentigerous cyst, dental cystAbstract
Background: Dentigerous cyst is although not uncommon but now is infrequently found in otolaryngological practice after the development of dental fraternity. Many times, they are encountered because of swelling in head neck area and facial disfigurement. NCCT and OPG play important role in its diagnosis. Removal can be both open or endoscopically. Methods: This prospective study was carried on n= 5 patients suspected of Dentigerous Cyst were included in our study on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Here a series of five cases of Dentigerous cyst is presented with discussion regarding clinical and radiological features and treatment with a short review of literature. Conclusions: The Dentigerous cyst are usually encountered in ENT OPD and needs to be properly investigated. Advent of endoscopes and knowledge of anatomy of the area gives edge to the Otorhinolaryngologist over dentist in its management.
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