Drug Prescribing Pattern in Ophthalmology Out Patient Department of a Medical College
Prescribing pattern, cross-sectional study, Prospective StudyAbstract
Background: The pursuit of best and responsible use of medicines is the basis for concept and effort of Rational use of drug. RUD addresses steps in supply-use chain of drugs i.e. selection, prescribing, dispensing, monitoring and feedback. Hence periodic and continuous auditing of drug prescribing pattern is vital tool for promotion of RUD. Ophthalmology largely becoming an outpatient and day care department with almost nil Inpatient. So present study is to analyse drug prescribing pattern in Ophthalmology OPD.
Methods: A prospective cross sectional study was done. Prescription were analysed for number of drugs per prescription, number of antibiotics, no of injection per prescription, Drugs from Essential Medicine List, Fixed dose Combinations.
Results: A total of 176 prescriptions were analyzed the average number of drugs per prescription being 2.7 [0.78].Eye drops being the most common (81.01%) dosage form. injections were only 0.63% of all drugs. Percentage of prescription with Antibiotics were (36%) All drugs were prescribed only in brand name, none by generic name. 40.29% (940/1516) of drugs were prescribed from essential medicine list. Almost all prescriptions were having clear information on dosage form, dose, frequency and duration of treatment. Conclusion: Out of different parameters and drug prescribing indicators some are satisfactory e.g Information for patient in prescription. Some others like absence of generic name in prescription, high %age of antibiotics, lower % of drugs from EML needs attention.
Conclusions: . It seems that awareness among the clinician about Rational prescribing is increasing. There is need of continuous endeavour to sensitise the clinician for rational use of drug.
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