Clinical Evaluation of Mizaj (Temperament) in the Patients of Cervicitis (Iltehab-E-Unqur Rehm)


  • Saman Anees PG Scholar, Deptt. of Amraze Niwan Wa Atfal (Gynaecology), AKTC, AMU Aligarh. Author
  • S Aamena Naaz Professor & Head, Deptt. of Amraze Niwan Wa Atfal (Gynaecology), AKTC, AMU Aligarh. Author



Mizaj( Temperament), Cervicitis( Iltehab-e-Unqur rehm)


Background: Unani system of medicine is based on the theory of Mizaj which is considered as the basics of Unani therapeutics. Mizaj is an Arabic word which means Aamezish, Ikhtilat or Tabiyat. In English language, the word Temperament is used to describe Mizaj which is derived from the latin word Tempero, which means to mix together. Every individual has its own unique temperament hence reacts to various internal and external stimuli viz. drug, climate, food, emotions, body reactions etc. differently according to temperament he or she possess. Hence, Mizaj plays an important role in assisting specific treatment to the patient of any disease. Cervicitis is considered as one of the most common gynaecological complaints during reproductive age in which patient experiences foul smelling vaginal discharge, lowback pain, dysuria, dyspareania, suprapubic pain etc. Since, in Unani system of medicine, diseased condition is produced due to the imbalance among the quantity or quality of four humours present in our body i-e Khilt-e Balgham, Khilt-e Dam, Khilt-e Safra,Khilt-e Safra, and Khilt-e Sauda, hence basic principle of treatment is according to particular Khilt whose excess is considered as the cause of that particular disease.

Methods: Ancient Unani physicians including Hippocrates, Ibn SIna And Majusi, relate cervicitis with the domination of Khilt e Damvi. This paper presents the observational study carried out in the Department of Amraze Niswan Wa Atfal, A.K.T.C, Aligarh. It has been conducted on the patients of cervicitis.

Results: From the present study, it was observed that maximum number of patient i.e. 30 (50.0%) belongs to Damvi Mizaj, followed by 18(30.0%) of Safravi Mizaj and 12(20.0%) of Balghami Mizaj. None of the patient is of Saudavi Mizaj.  

Conclusions: These findings suggested that cervicitis is likely to be predisposed by the Damvi constitution.


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