Efficacy of Saliva in Determination of ABO Blood Groups in Humans
Saliva, Blood group, Secretors, Non secretorAbstract
Introduction: The saliva was first analyzed for the presence of anti-A and anti-B hemagglutinins in 1928. However, it was not been utilized as evidence in criminal investigations because of insufficient techniques available at that time. Hence, the present study was designed to evaluate feasibility of ABO group in medicolegal cases by determining the efficacy and accuracy of ABO blood group determination from saliva.
Methodology: Total 100 random cases we were included in this study.The duration of study was over a period of one year.This study conducted in Department of Forensic medicine in Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences.
Result: In this study we were included total 100 cases. This study also found that total 21 female & 57 male are secretors and 11 male & 11 female were non secretors.this result revealed that 78% were secretors and 22% were non secretors.
Conclusion: This study may be useful in resolving the claims of parentage in estate or immigration or kidnapped children, disputed paternity and for identification of mass disasters.
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Kumar T, Puri G, Laller S, Bansal T, Malik M. Association of ABO blood grouping with oral lichen planus. Univ Res J Dent 2014;4:93-6. 2. Shetty M, Premalatha K. ABO blood grouping from tooth material. J Indian Acad Forensic Med 1972;32:336-8. 3. Noda H, Yokota M, Tatsumi S, Sugiyama S. Determination of ABO blood grouping from human oral squamous epithelium by the highly sensitive immunohistochemical staining method EnVision. J Forensic Sci 2002;47:341-4. 4. Mohn JF, Owens NA, Plunkett RW. The inhibitory properties of groupA and B non-secretor saliva. Immunol Commun 1981;10:101-26.
Neiders ME, Standish SM. Blood group determinations in forensic dentistry. Dent Clin North Am 1977 Jan;21(1): 99-111. 3. Dacie JV, Lewis SM. The human red cell blood groups and the identification of the blood group antigen and antibodies. In: Practical hematology, 5th ed. Edinburgh and New York: Churchill Livingstone; 1975. p. 356. 4. Motghare P, Kale L, Bedia AS, Charde S. Determination of efficacy and accuracy of ABO blood group from saliva. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol 2011 Jul-Sept;23(3):163-167.

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