A Prospective Study on Drug Prescribing Pattern in Paediatric Patients Presenting with Fever
Drug, Pharmacokinetic, Empyema, SepsisAbstract
Background: It is seen that children form one of the largest groups of patients consulting general practitioners. It is reported that 18% of all GP consultations concern children less than 16 years of age every year. Children are constantly changing with respect to growth, psychosocial development and pharmacodynamic response. Children differ from adults in their response to drugs. It is needed to ensure the right drug prescribed and correct dosage is given, especially in the neonatal period.1,2 prompt communication of medication orders minimizes medication errors.
Methods: This study were included 250 IPD cases of Paediatrics wards with complain of fever. This study was conducted in the Department of paediatrics. The duration of study was over a period of one year.
Results: In this study we were included total 250 cases. Among all 36 cases found 1 month to 1 year,123 cases 1-5 year, 91 cases > 5 year. All cases had fever. Among all 100% cases had prescription of antipyretic drug followed by antibiotic 98.8%, antispasmodic 22.4%, analgesic 14.8%, antiemetic14.4%, bronchodilators 13.6%, antiulcer agent 12%,vitamin 6%, cough syrup 4.8%, steroid 0.4%, nasal drop 0.4%, antiallergic 0.4%, purgative 0.4%.
Conclusion: The conclusion of this study that, Irrational FDCs are being commonly prescribed and there is an urgent need to curb these harmful practices by stringent regulations and developing local guidelines for rational prescribing.
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