Prevalence of Low Back Pain and its Associated Factors in Reproductive Age Group Female Patients Attending Gynaecology OPD
Low Back Pain, Hormonal factors, Reproductive factorsAbstract
Background: Low back pain related disability and work absence accounts for high economical costs in modern society. A prevalence of 28-80% has been found with increase of prevalence with age and female preponderance.
Methods: The present study was conducted on 125 non pregnant women complaining of low back pain attending OPD Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital during the period of 6 months. A brief questionnaire was used to screen, among the respondents, the occurrence of low back pain in the past year.
Results: Low back pain was associated with high BMI, high waist circumference, more number of children, irregular and prolonged duration of menstruation, young maternal age at first birth and with history of abortion.
Conclusions: Hormonal and reproductive factors are associated with low back pain. Keywords: Hormonal factors, Reproductive factors, Reproductive female
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