Prevalence of Colorectal Malignancy in Patients of Early Age-Group – A Hospital Based Prospective Study
Colorectal malignancy, young adults, high index of suspicion, prognosisAbstract
Background: : Colorectal cancers being one of the leading causes of cancer related deaths in the world. Earlier it was thought that the colorectal cancers usually occur in older age groups. This thought has led to decrease in chances of malignancy in young patients. Therefore, we conducted this study of colorectal cancers in young patient to emphasise the importance of keeping in entity in mind while dealing with the patient presenting with complaints consistent with colorectal malignancy even if there age is less than forty year. Methods This study was a prospective cohort study of 30 cases of colorectal malignancy of age 40 years and below conducted in patients admitted in Department of Surgery at FH Medical College & Hospital, Tundla (UP), Firozabad, U.P. Results: In this study of colorectal cancers in young patient maximum number of patients were found in the age group of 31-40 years (70.4%) followed by in the age group of 21-30 years (27.57%)and 11-20 years (2.58%). Males were found to be affected more (59.76%) than females (41.23%). Most common site of involvement was found to be rectum (59.24%) followed by rectosigmoid (15.36%), caecum and descending colon (10.20%). Most common sign was found to be bleeding per rectum (71.24%) and most common symptom was found to be altered bowel habits (53%) followed by pain abdomen (62.58%). Mucinous adenocarcinoma (54.68%) was found to be most common histological type of colorectal malignancy followed by adenocarcinoma (46.35%). Conclusions: Our study was aimed at analysing colorectal malignancy in young patients. It should promote high index of suspicion on the part of treating surgeons about this entity even in young patients.
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