The Impact of Volume on Cataract Surgery Visual Outcome
high volume cataract surgery, low volume cataract surgery, visual acuity, manual SICSAbstract
Background: To compare High Vs. Low Volume SIC Surgery Outcomes in tertiary Institute in Central India,in terms of Quality as gauged by Visual acuity parameters at 1 month follow-up. Methods: A prospective, randomized, observational study done on 230 eyes of 230 patients at a tertiary Institute In Central India, with a total duration of 4 months. Patients underwent MSICS by 3 experienced surgeons & were divided into 2 groups:(A) patients coming in low volume season (summer month) & (B)patients in the high volume season (winter month). BCVA in these 2 groups were compared at 1 month follow up. Independent T test was used for analysis. Results: In high vs. low volume setting Best Corrected Visual Acuity (p=0.06) was not statistically significant at 1 month follow up. Conclusions: Gauged in Visual Acuity parameters, High Volume MSICS does not affect the quality when compared with Low Volume MSICS Surgery over a 30-days period in a tertiary institute in Central India.
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