Efficacy of Oral Tranexamic Acid in the Treatment of Melasma: A Pilot Study
Melasma, oral tranexamic acidAbstract
Background: Melasma a common skin pigmentary disorder poses a great challenge to clinicians due to unsatisfactory results and high recurrence rate. Many treatment modalities have been tried by clinicians without significant improvement in the lesion. Methods: This cross sectional study was done on 90 patients including both male and female and were diagnosed with moderate to severe melasma. TA 250 mg (thyrodin) bid for six months was prescribed along with topical sunscreen. Digital photography was performed at the first visit and at subsequent visits. The effects of treatment were evaluated by two dermatologists independently. Results were assed clinically and photographically.
Result: 90 patients with moderate to severe melasma were enrolled in the study. The average age was 36 years. 44patients (48.8%) had good improvement, 25 patients (27.7%) had excellent improvement and 17 patients (18.8%) had fair improvement and 4 patients (4.4%) had no improvement.
Three patients complained about gastric upset. None of the patients had serious systemic side effects, only few had oligomenorrhoea, palpitation. Patient’s satisfaction was similarly noted. Conclusion: oral administration of TA is effective and safe treatment for melasma.
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