Impact of Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Iron Deficiency Anaemia Status Among Females of Reproductive Age Group (20-21-year-old) Studying in Government Home Economics College Lahore, Pakistan


  • Saadia Shahzad Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, Shalamar Medical and Dental College Lahore. Author
  • Kiran Islam Dept. of Nutrition, Government Home Economics College, Lahore, Pakistan. Author
  • Sameen Azhar Dept. of Nutrition, Government Home Economics College, Lahore, Pakistan. Author
  • Shireen Fiza Dept. of Nutrition, Government Home Economics College, Lahore, Pakistan. Author
  • Wasifa Ahmed Dept. of Nutrition, Government Home Economics College, Lahore, Pakistan. Author
  • Zoya Murtaza Dept. of Nutrition, Government Home Economics College, Lahore, Pakistan. Author



females, reproductive age group, nutrition, iron deficiency anemia, KAP study


Background: Iron deficiency anemia has emerged as a major public health issue in developed and developing countries. According to WHO 29% of all women of reproductive age group are diagnosed to have anemia. Objectives:1) to determine Hemoglobin (Hb) levels among girls 20-21-year-old by Sahli’s method 2) to identify correlation between Hb levels and KAP scores among girls 20-21-year-old. Methods cross sectional study design applied with convenient sampling technique; and sample of 150 girls 20-21 year old was taken. Standardized KAP questionnaire was developed from FAO Guidelines upon iron deficiency anemia, and administered. Hb levels were determined in laboratory by Sahli’s method and classification of anemia was made according to WHO guidelines 2011. Frequency trend of anemia was noted, and Pearson product correlation was applied to Hb levels and KAP scores for risk analysis. Results19.3% had mild, 51.3% had moderate, and 13.3% had severe anemia. Only 16% girls had normal Hb levels. 54% had good knowledge about anemia with Pearson correlation (r) = 0.092, P=0.263. 79% had positive attitude towards self-awareness of anemia as a disease but correlation (r) was found to be in inverse relation (-0.005), P= 0.95. Highly significant positive correlation was found between dietary practices and Hb levels; where 53% had shown desired dietary practices with r= 0.174, P= 0.033. Conclusions: increasing trend of iron deficiency anemia among young girls of reproductive age group was seen; mostly related to life style and behavior towards importance of taking balanced diet. Representative sample study is strongly suggested.


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