Abnormal Papanicolaou Test: Results and Risk Factors Among Women of Uttarakhand
Abnormal PAP smear, Cervical cancer, PremalignantAbstract
Background: Cervical cancer is a significant health issue worldwide. About 493 million new cases of cervical cancer are diagnosed each year. About 274 thousand women die from this disease annually and 83% of these cases are in developing countries. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of abnormal cervical cytology among women attending Gynaecology OPD and to assess the presence of associated risk factors. Methods: This hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted using a questionnaire involving women attending Gynaecology OPD of HIMS, Dehradun from January to December 2016. All pap smears cytological examination was conducted using Bethesda system of classification. Results: 248 (11.6%) women had abnormal cytological findings with a mean age of 36.84 years. Duration of marriage was found be significantly longer among those with abnormal Pap smear (18.34 years verses 15.72 years (p<0.05). Conclusions: Early marriage, increasing parity and longer duration of marriage are strongly associated with abnormal Pap smear results.
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