Comparison of Spinal Anaesthesia Vs General Anaesthesia for Lower Spinal Surgeries


  • Alok Gupta Associate Professor Dept. of Surgery S.N Medical College, Agra, UP, India. Author
  • Avanish Kumar Saxena Professor, Dept. of Surgery, FH Medical College, Agra, U.P. Author
  • Amrita Gupta Assistant Professor S.N Medical College, Agra, UP, India. Author
  • Atiharsh Mohan Lecturer , S.N Medical College, Agra, UP, India Author
  • Ankur Saxena Post Graduate Resident, Dept. of Anaesthesia & Critical Care, S.N Medical College, Agra, UP, India Author
  • Chandroday Kumar Post Graduate Resident, Dept. of Surgery S.N Medical College, Agra, UP, India. Author



skin infection, antibiotics, clindamycin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole


Background: Both General and Regional anaesthesia can be   used for lower Lumbar Disc surgery but SPINAL ANAESTHESIA is also a better alternative as it is accompanies by less blood loss and haemodynamics instability. Materials & Methods: 60 patients were randomly assigned to receive either General Anaesthesia( GA group) or Spinal Anaesthesia(SA group).  Patients were supplemented with i.v. Propofol sedation in Spinal anaesthesia  group. The values were recorded preoperative, intraoperative & postoperative. HR, MAP, amount of blood less, surgeon Satisfaction were noted. The severity of nausea, vomiting, duration of recovery and total analgesic use was also recorded. Results: Total anaesthesia, surgical time and blood loss is less in spinal anaesthesia group as compared to general Anaesthesia group. Intraoperative hypertension and tachycardia is more in GA group. Surgeon satisfaction and cost effectiveness is more in SA group. Postoperative nausea ,vomiting is more in GA group.

Conclusion: Spinal  anaesthesia is better ,safe and economical alternative to general anaesthesia for lower spinal surgery


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