Prevalence of Vitamin D Deficiency among Geriatric Patients
Geriatric patients, vitamin D, deficiency, PrevalenceAbstract
Background: Vitamin D deficiency is recognized as a global public health problem. In India Vitamin D Deficiency is prevalent, a finding that is unexpected in a tropical country with abundant sunshine. This study evaluated prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among geriatric patients.Methods: The present study was a hospitalized based cross sectional study conducted among geriatric patients attending the ortho. OPD of CIMS, Lucknow. Those elderly (>60 yrs) consenting to participate were including in this study .Patients who were on vitamin D3 & calcium supply (6 month) were excluded. Results: In this study we have taken 200 sample size. Geriatric patients who were not on vitamin D and calcium supplements for last 6 months were included for the study. Out of 200 participants, only 27(13.5%) participants had normal vitamin D levels and 173 (86.5%) study participants had low vitamin D levels among them 112 (56%) participants had vitamin D deficiency, 61(30.5%) participants had vitamin D insufficiency. Conclusions: Present study confirmed that Vitamin D deficiency is a major public health problem among geriatric age group.
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