A Prospective Study on Incidence of Septicaemia in patients in IPD of Medicine Department
Septicaemia, Infection, Emergency coliAbstract
Background: Bloodstream infections are important causes of mortality and morbidity. Rapid empiric antibiotic therapy is often needed. Knowledge of epidemiological data of common pathogens and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern is needed for rapid therapy.
Methods: This study was done to analyze the common causes of septicaemia and their antibiotic sensitivity pattern from the Department of General Medicine, Kanachur Institute of Medical Sciences, Natekal, Mangaluru. Isolates were identified using bacteriological and biochemical methods and antibiotic sensitivity was done using the Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method.
Results: This study showed that of the 75 patients examined 22 had septicaemia. 31-45 years age group patients constituted the greatest percentage of infected subjects (n=28) followed by patients aged between 46-60 years (n=17). Gram-positive bacteria were encountered more often than gram negative bacteria. Among the gram-positive bacteria, majority isolated were S. epidermiidis; followed by S. aureus.
Conclusion: Majority of the organism isolated were from Gram positive category, in which S. epidermiidis was the most isolated.
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