Factors relating to working life quality in Garash University of Medical Sciences in 2017
working life quality, personnel, Grash University of Medical Sciences.Abstract
Background: Working life quality is one of variables which have been recently noticed in respect of significance by many directors who are seeking promotion of human resources quality. Determining factors relating to working life quality of Grash University of Medical Sciences which may reflect the significance that working life quality could be improved in the organization.
Methods: This study is cross-sectional descriptive which was conducted in 2017 on 243 employees covered by Grash University of Medical University. Data collecting tool includes demographic information and Walton working life quality questionnaire. Data analysis was performed using SPSS software version 22 and Kolmogorov- Smirnov statistical tests, Pearson correlation factor and regression analysis.
Results: among 243 respondents, 53.3% were women and the rest women. Working life quality level of 7% of them was low, 64.9% moderate and 28.1 was high. Among dimensions of working life quality, the highest average is related to life general space. Regarding the study results, 6.4% of changes of personnel working life quality are affected by demographic factors variable and the rest is due to other variables which is significant in significance level p<0.05. The average score of personnel working life quality in this study has been 108.85 which is in medium level.
Conclusion: regarding the results of this study, managers and planners awareness of personnel working life quality and performing principal measurements for promoting working life quality is necessary to provide the required conditions for personnel for improving the quality of personnel services.
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