Experiences of Managers of Hospitals of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences on Obstacles of Implementing the Strategic Plan in 2017
strategic plan, obstacles, managers, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, hospitalAbstract
Background: Strategic planning and its vital impact on achieving the organization goals, sometimes managers face serious obstacles and problems in implementing the strategic decisions. The aim of this study was to investigate the experiences of managers of hospitals of Jahrom University of Medical Sciences on obstacles of implementing strategic plans in 2017.
Methods: this qualitative study was conducted using a Hermeneutics approach which was accomplished through semi-structured interview with 8 hospital managers and those who had a main role in strategic planning and were selected with purposeful sampling method. Data was collected till reaching data saturation.
Results: 80 codes were extracted by data analysis and finally 4 main themes, 12 classes and 26 subcategories were obtained. Themes include: managerial inefficient structure, inefficient human resources, inappropriate infrastructure and inefficient policies.
Conclusion: Findings of the present study will provide a better perception of obstacles, opportunities and finally strategies of promoting this plan due to experiences of managers and other involving factors. Obstacles and factors of failure of strategic decisions in the hospitals should be fully known so that during implementation of strategic management process, the desired results are obtained with providence and better management or changing approaches
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