Self-Medication Practices And Attitude Among Dental Students of A Metro City of North India
Radiological diagnosis, Spondylolisthesis, lordosis, vertebrateAbstract
Background: Self-medication is a common practice across the world and its consequences e.g. misdiagnosis, wrong diagnosis, irrational use of drug, adverse drug reaction, and antimicrobial resistant are cause of concern. The students of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, paramedical courses are among the most vulnerable class for its practice. The study was to assess the extent and factors influencing self-medication among undergraduate dental students.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out, that included 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students of dental college in Delhi. A semi-structured questionnaire consisting of demographic questions and questions on knowledge, attitude and practices of self-medication in the last six months was prepared and distributed among students. Questions on food supplements were also asked.
Results: Of a total of 154 students, 39 % reported at least one minor episode of illness, (61%) of them practiced self-medication and 30.1% of the students also advised medicines to other. Most common source of advice was family and friends (45.3%) followed by chemists and books. Most common self-medicated drugs were paracetamol followed by cetirizine. Most Common reported illness for self-medication were fever (41.5%) followed by cough and common cold (24.4%). A significant number has used food supplements and drugs of alternative medicines.
Conclusion: Prevalence of self-medication among dental students is high that needs to be intervened at different stratas. Academician and health professionals need to educate students about the rational use of drug and impact of irrational prescribing.
International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 8, Issue, 5, pp. 16949-16952, May, 2017)
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