Radiological Diagnosis of Adult Cases Presenting with Symptomatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis: A Retrospective Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital
Radiological diagnosis, Spondylolisthesis, lordosis, vertebrateAbstract
Background: The term spondylolisthesis is derived from two Greek word : Spondo (Vertebrate) and disthenein (to slip) .The first written description is given by Herbiniaur, a Belgian obstetneiae. Aim:- To Radiological diagnosis of Symptomatic Lumbar Spondylolisthesis in adults .
Methods: 422 patients each of spondylolisthesis in age group 18 – 60 year were included in this study. This study conducted in department of orthopedics over a period of one year.
Results: In this present study , patients were included who have back ache. 422 (8.3%) were with spondylolisthesis and 4698 (91.7%) cases were without spondylolisthesis. From the 422 patients 24 were male and 174 were female. From the 422 patients with spondylolisthesis, (24.6% ) most of the cases were belong to 46-52 age group in male and 39-45 in case of female.
Conclusion: Both Surgical and conservative management have benefit of cases showing with symptomatic lumbar spondylolisthesis. In most of the cases treat by non-operative.
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